Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Number 72

I hate working at a clothing store. I used to work at one and i really disliked it. Firstly, I usually worked alone, so it would become extremely boring. Secondly, nobody would really come into the store, so I would be alone in this tiny boutique for 8 hours, doing nothing. The owners of the store always told me to push clothes onto customers, make them look at our new merchandise and whatnot. I disliked being so pushy and I felt super intrusive. When people tried things on my bosses would always tell them how 'fabulous' they looked, even if they looked bad. My bosses didn't like me too much either...mostly because I liked letting customers wander around the store without following them, and I let them try things on without putting my two cents in. I dreaded going to work. I realize that selling things, and working in places like a clothing store, is not for me. I didn't enjoy being there, It was a job I truely disliked. I didn't like dealing with cranky people, and pushy bosses. That is a job i rally disliked, and I don't think I would ever do that again.

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