Thursday, September 24, 2009


This past spring, I went to a little town named Prince Rupert. My mother and I drove 18, very long hours northbound to be fully immersed in rain. The purpose of our visit was for me to partake in the 2009, Music and Dance Provincials. I traveled there with 10 other dancers from my studio, all different ages and different styles of dance. Some drove, like mom and I, but most took an easy 3 hour flight to the middle of nowhere. It was a lot of fun in the end, other then that rain. I swear, one day I actually heard the weather lady admitting that the following day would be a 100% chance of rain. 100%! It would have been different if it would have rained for about an hour, maybe even two...but it rained, It did not stop raining from the time I woke up, to the time I went to bed. I guess it would have been worse if I was outside the whole time, most of the time I was in a studio dancing, or in a theater watching more dance. But, no matter where you were in that little town, you could always hear the pitter patter of rain. The ironic part of it was, whenever I'd meet someone from the town, they'd tell me that it never rained this much, and I always refused to believed them. But, AS SOON as I left, Prince Rupert was all sunshine and daisies, with a high of 29.


  1. I like your idea of this blog, for three reasons
    1-Prince Rupert- you hardly ever hear about it, and this gives the reader a thinking cap right away on where this place could be.
    2-To drive 18hrs this place must be in the middle of no where, and still you make this blog interesting.
    3- I hate it when you go somewhere and all it is, is something you didnt want it to be. Such as the weather in this blog.

  2. I found your blog pretty interesting to read. Even though you were just talking about a trip to Prince Rupert, which really isn't an interesting town,you chose to pick a certain point, like rain, and mention it through out your entire blog which peices the blog together.
    As well, your vocabulary and peotic devices such as, '' pitter patter'', give your blog some character. I enjoyed reading it, and think it would be very disappointing to have it rain the entire time you were in Prince Rupert.
